- Heart Disease
- Cancer
- Chronic Lung Disease
- Stroke
- Alzheimer’s
- Diabetes
- Kidney Disease
- Geriatrics
- Preventative Medicine
- Medication Analysis
- Medical Billing
- Clinical Trial & Experimental Medication
- Case Management
- Hospitalization Support
But What Does a Patient Advocate Actually Do?
With Experience Comes Knowledge
It is very important when hiring a patient advocate that you know their experience both as a professional “on the inside” and a patient advocate.
a patient advocate could save your life
With the rise of technology, you can literally hire a patent advocate that fits your specific needs from anywhere in the world. Care plans and treatments options are often regional, regulated by hospital beuracracy and/or the personal experience of a physician/specialist. When faced with a devastating illness, you want to know that the options given to you are the very best for you. You need someone that will seek out those options that may not be available in your region or to the general public.
Some Patient Advocates specialize in Clinical Trials and Experimental Medicines. These treatments can literally be, live saving.
So How Do You Choose The Right Patient Advocate?
Choosing an advocate that fits you and your specific case can be daunting task itself. Be calm and follow these simple rules:
- hire someone with experience
- ask explicitly about experience
- ask for references
- ask for interview over video chat
- ask for the basic outline of servicesRelated Article > Choosing an Advocate Right for You
Is Hiring an Advocate Really Worth it?
For someone that is healthy, you probably don’t need a patient advocate. However, if you have any ailment that would be considered chronic or acute in nature, you should consider hiring an advocate.
I will leave you with another last thought. Most advocates also review medical bills. You many want to consider the cost of having an advocate and getting better healthcare, could quite possibly be recovered from the advocate herself.
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